HIV/AIDS in Bangladesh: Socio-Cultural Determinants for Women

HIV and AIDS in Bangladesh were first detected among men and were primarily concentrated among men in Bangladesh, whereas women remain at a much higher risk of HIV infection than men.

A significant shift of the epidemic with a higher proportion of new HIV infection among women was noticed in the late 1990s.

Multiple factors increase women’s vulnerability to HIV acquisition, such as biological, behavioral, socioeconomic, cultural and structural risks. Patriarchal society and social status of women are the topmost reasons among all.

Most studies and interventions conducted in Bangladesh focus on key affected populations such as female sex workers and people who inject drugs.

A study authored by Gorkey Gourab (2016), published in Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, reflects on the role of the socio-cultural determinants that make women more vulnerable to HIV transmission in the context of Bangladesh.


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